As we work to build a more robust and successful education system in Delware, we must ground our work in where our state’s education landscape currently stands. Below you will find an in-depth analysis of how Delaware is currently rated across each of 50CAN: The 50-State Campaign for Achievement Now’s four dimensions of a healthy and dynamic learning system.
Rating summary
- Community (2 point out of 4) – Our coalition of involved and dedicated business, non-profit and philanthropic leaders works with educators to improve learning outcomes for students across the state. Yet Delaware has room to grow in diversity among its teaching force, and engaging the community to improve our education system.
- Competition (1 point out of 4) – Though we provide education alternatives (open enrollment, magnet schools, charter schools) to our students, the school choice process is challenging. We must make enrollment information easier to find and guarantee transportation is provided to all students navigating our choice system.
- Performance (1 points out of 4) – We use rigorous, accessible standards across all grades, and students in grades three to eight take an aligned assessment. We must ensure that all high schoolers take an aligned assessment, as well, including English-language learners. We should also report assessment results for all student groups.
- Pluralism (2 points out of 4) – We have taken steps to meet students where they are—allowing for alternative approaches to education, embracing diversity and difference—but we can grow. We must create a well-rounded definition of student success and identify funding for alternative approaches to education.